Dear Reader,
As you will know businesses have had to make drastic changes due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the current restrictions which the government have introduced are affecting us all.
The DM Partnership is committed to continuing to provide a professional service despite the restrictions. However until restrictions are removed we are not able to offer direct attendances at the office but in all other respects the office continues to function as normal but remotely.
The DM Partnership is continuing to deal with client matters by holding discussions and having meetings via the telephone, holding meetings with other professionals using video links, having video linked Court Hearings and operating the email facility as normal.
We welcome enquiries from new clients who should telephone us on 0121 200 0930 to discuss Contact , Residence, Care proceedings and domestic violence injunctions or any other matter which we provide services for and which are explained in our details in this web page.
For existing clients, ringing the above number will ensure that your usual solicitor or fee earner can discuss matters with you by telephone in normal office hours.
Eventually, this crisis will pass but we remain committed to operate as fully as is possible.
We remain sincerely grateful to all, for their co-operation in these difficult times.
We look forward to hearing from you, and hopefully being able to see you soon.